extends HttpBasicAuthenticator
An implemetation of HttpBasicAuthenticator
using MongoDB. It queries a MongoDB collection to find a user with a username and password that matches the username and password sent with the request.
Instance Properties¶
- ¶
dbName string
Required Description The name of the database to use if there are multiple databases on the parent Service (in dbs
- ¶
passwordField string
Inherited fromHttpBasicAuthenticator
Required Description Name of the field that contains the password in the database.
- ¶
passwordHashFn string | function
Inherited fromHttpBasicAuthenticator
Default noop
Description Either a string representing a Hasher
(possible values are noop, sha256, and bcrypt), an instance ofHasher
or a constructor function for aHasher
- ¶
userCollection string
Required Description The name of the collection in which users are stored
- ¶
usernameField string
Inherited fromHttpBasicAuthenticator
Required Description Name of the field that contains the username in the database.
Abstract Methods¶
- ¶
getAuthenticationHeaders Inherited fromHttpBasicAuthenticator
Returns An array of strings representing request headers. Return type string[] Description Gets the names of the request headers where authentication details can be found. Should be implemented by subclasses, for example: ApiKeyAuthenticator
. Must be implemented by subclasses which use headers other than the Authorization header. Otherwise the custom headers will be blocked by the Service.
- ¶
authenticate Inherited fromHttpBasicAuthenticator
Arguments - req (Request) – The current request
Throws HttpErrors.Unauthorized If credentials weren’t validated Returns An object representing the user. Undefined if no credentials are found on the request. Return type Object | undefined Description Authenticates a request using HTTP Baisc. Returns a user object that matches the username and password sent with the request. If no user matching the username and password is found, throws a 401 Unauthorized error.
- ¶
findUser Arguments - username (string) – The username sent by the client.
Throws Error If the database or collection are undefined. Returns An object representing the user if a match is found, otherwise undefined. Return type Object | undefined Description Queries the database for a user which has a username that matches the username sent in the request.
- ¶
getService Inherited fromHttpBasicAuthenticator
Returns The parent Service Return type Service
Description A getter for the parent Service
- ¶
initialize Inherited fromHttpBasicAuthenticator
Arguments - service (
) – The parent Service
Return type undefined Description Initializes the authenticator. Called by start
on the parent Service and sets this.service to the parent Service.- service (
- ¶
throwUnauthenticated Inherited fromHttpBasicAuthenticator
Arguments - msg (string) – The message returned with the 401 error.
Throws HttpErrors.Unauthorized Return type undefined Description Throws a 401 Unauthorized Error.
- ¶
validateCreds Inherited fromHttpBasicAuthenticator
Arguments - username (string) – username from the HTTP request
- password (string) – password from the HTTP request
Throws Service.errors.InternalServerError 500 Internal Server Error Returns Object representing the user if a user matching the username and password is found. Otherwise returns undefined. Return type Object | undefined Description Finds a user matching a username and password. The password is checked using the hash function.