
Operations can optionally define one or more OperationParameters. Each OperationParameter can specify the location of the parameter (path, query string, or body) as well as a JSON schema definition to which the parameter must conform.

All parameters defined on an Operation will be available via the parameters property of the HttpRequest object and can be accessed as req.parameters[<parameter-name>] or req.parameters.<parameter-name>.

Carbond supports both JSON and EJSON (Extended JSON, which includes support additional types such as Date and ObjectId).

Formally defining parameters for operations helps you to build a self-describing API for which the framework can then auto-generate API documention and interactive administration tools.


  [_type: carbon.carbond.OperationParameter,]
  [description: <string>],
  [location: <string> ('query' | 'path' | 'body')],
  [schema: <object>] // JSON Schema object (
  [required: <boolean>]


  • description: A description for this parameter.

  • location: The location in which this parameter will be passed. Can be one of 'query', 'path', or 'body'.

  • schema: A JSON Schema definition. If supplied Carbond will parse the parameter as JSON / EJSON and automaticall validate that incoming data conforms to the schema and report a 400 Error to the client if data violates the schema. If null or undefined the defined parameter will not be parsed and will be a raw string. To specify this parameter as an EJSON value of any type, a schema value of {} should be supplied.

    To support EJSON, we extend JSON Schema to support the following additional types which can be used like other JSON Schema primitives like string:

    • ObjectId
    • Date
    • Timestamp
    • Regex
    • NumberLong
    • Undefined
  • required: The parameter is considered required iff this flag is set to true.




An operation with a string query parameter:

  get: {
    description: "My hello world operation",
    parameters: {
      message: {
        description: "A message to say to the world",
        location: 'query',
        required: true,
        schema: { type: 'string' }
    service: function(req) {
      return { msg: "Hello World! " + req.parameters.message }