
An Operation represents a single HTTP method on an endpoint (GET, PUT, POST, CREATE, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS).

An Operation implements this HTTP method via service. XXX

Each Operation can define any number of OperationParameter. All parameters provided to an Operation will be available via the parameters property of the HttpRequest object and can be accessed as req.parameters[<parameter-name>] or req.parameters.<parameter-name>.

Carbond supports both JSON and EJSON (Extended JSON, which includes support additional types such as Date and ObjectId).

Formally defining parameters for operations helps you to build a self-describing API for which the framework can then auto-generate API documention and interactive administration tools.


  _type: carbon.carbond.Operation,
  [description: <string>],
  [parameters: {
    <name>: <OperationParameter>,
  service: <function>


  • path (read-only) - the path to which this endpoint is bound. The path can contain variable patterns such as orders/:id. The path property is not configured directly on Endpoint objects but are specified as lvals in enclosing defininitions of endpoints such as in an ObjectServer or a parent Endpoint object. When retrieved the value of this property will be the absolute path of the endpoint from /.
  • objectserver (read-only) - the ObjectServer of which this endpoint is a part
  • endpoints - an set of child Endpoint definitions. This is an object whose keys are path string and values are instances of Endpoint. Each path key will be interpreted as relative to this Endpoints path property. Path keys can define variable bindings (e.g. orders/:id)
